Mod «Kyulen - NinetailFox» for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.5)

Kyulen - NinetailFox

– Stat
——/Basic/Combat Extended/
Value / 7000 / 9500
Size / 1.0 / 1.0
Health / 3 / 5
Move / 8.64 / 8.68
ArmorBlunt / 60% / 18.54
ArmorSharp/ 80% / 7.88
ArmorHeat / 200% / 500%

ImmunityGain : 150%
ToxicSensitivity : 50%
Wildness : 50%
Temperature : -50 ~ 40
ExpectancyAge : 100

Passive : Pain x 50% / Consciousness + 20% / Sight + 25% / Hearing + 50% / Fast Heal Permanent Wounds

  • This animal can not breed
  • This animal can be drafted.
  • This animal can give commands manually.
  • This animal will socialize with Pawns.
  • This animal has Joy and Mood.
  • This animal can use Psycast if you have the Royalty DLC

– Custom Nicknames

– Bond Bouns
When bound with Kyulen, the bound target receives additional stats.

– Bead –
Can get one bead every 60 days
Bead are Sell to merchants or activated and receive a mood bonus 9 for 9 days.

– Appear condition –
Event occurs with low probability, only one appears.
If there is no other intervention, this animal has only two chance to tame it.
The event only fires if there is no Kyulen of that color in the map.

 This event occurs twice during the game.
– The species with the original color and the white variant appear
– For each event probability, a variant with a white variant / original color appears

Human form
If you have royalties, you can simply use your superpowers to make it look human.

— Compatible Modes —
A dog said
This mode is self-compatible

Animal Gear
Subscribe to AnimalGear mode, can make a special armor
There is a lot of high resource consumption, but this armor has an energy shield function.(~1.3ver)

Does the image appear truncated when equipping armor? Solve it this way!

Options -> Mode Settings -> Vanilla Expanded Framework -> Disable Texture Caching, Enable Settings

Combat Extended
This mode is self-compatible
Defense is reset, Armor piercing penetration is added, and ability increases slightly.

– HardCore SK –
This mode is self-compatible
Ability of the leather is reset.
Armor material of Animal Gear is reset.
Abilities are slightly increased.
Event probability doubles.

Mod requires:
Vanilla Expanded Framework

28.12.23 (1.0-1.4)


28.10.23 (1.0-1.4)


21.10.23 (1.0-1.4)


10.10.23 (1.0-1.4)


09.10.23 (1.0-1.4)


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