Well, I've made another map, which I consider to be the best I've ever made. After watching Breaking Bad, I wanted to make a map that would have a slightly similar plot and references, so I took the Callington map and made a house on it. Who is Oliver is written in the README file, as well as the ent to the plot and references. In general, the creation of non-existent characters was an interesting topic for me, especially if they were filled with some kind of similarity to the characters in Breaking Bad. (Oliver is literally Jesse Pinkman, yo!)
The house itself is well designed, there are small details, descriptions of objects, a working TV, a telephone, light switches.
In general, I have nothing more to say, because everything I wanted to say is written in the README.
Good luck selling your product on this map!
File info
Could you add Gore People Playground (GPPG)