Mod «Grimworld: Lasguns» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Grimworld: Lasguns

Need to purge heretics but those pea shooters just aren't hot enough?

Want to flaunt the might of human engineering against the tides of xeno scum?

Well then, Grimworld: Lasguns may just have the selection you require. With 11 flavourful models of flashlight to choose from, I'm sure you'll find something to your liking.


Currently adds 9 patterns of Lasgun and 2 Darktide variant models inspired by Warhammer 40k, craftable upon researching charge weapons.

3 Sanctified variants are also available as high tier quest rewards/rare spawns. These versions cannot be crafted and boast higher stats than their un-anointed counterparts.

The current models included are: The Kantrael MG, Kantrael MG defender, MK4 Las Carbine, Voss MKI, Lucius MKI, Accatran MK4 and two Darktide inspired varients of the Kantrael. Namely the Kantael MG-t and MG-t defender. (Update: Now also includes the Hellgun, Longlas and Locke pattern Lascarbine)

They should also spawn in the hands of spacer tech factions.

All weapon textures are 512 x 512

Utilises VWE-L as a base so all credit there goes to Oskar Potocki and co over at Vanilla Expanded

Requires: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser

File info

  • Added by: Den Martin
  • Author: Sparky
  • Mod version: 10.01.23
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 0.7 mb
  • Source: Go to
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