Mod «Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.5)

Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect

This module is a part of Vanilla Furniture Expanded.

Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect has been on my mind for a very long time. I always download every single mod adding new floors or fences, but I quickly become buried under all the new options, and eventually get pissed off because some of those options don't exactly fit Vanilla game in my eyes.

I want new carpet colors, but I don't want all RGB hues - I want a small, tailored selection that fits the game. I want new tiles and floors, but I don't want 100 different patterns that have no distinction between them other than the looks. I want new fences, but I don't want more fence types than there are floor types. I want less, but I want more significant!

Thus, Architect Expanded was born. Not only does it add new walls, fences, floors and carpets in various, vanilla-fitting colors, it also adds stone and metal bridges, as well as foundations that you can place on sand, so building in the desert will no longer be a problem! I seem to have forgotten to mention that wood now comes in 4 colors, all using just the base wood resource - so you can decide upon building what color your wooden objects will be!

I really hope you will enjoy everything this mod has to offer, and it will allow you to make your colony at least twice as beautiful to look at.

Q: Is this mod CE compatible?
A: I sure hope it is. If it’s not, let the CE team know.

Q: What do I do if a structure disappears upon being built?
A: Move the mod further down the mod load order.

Q: I can’t place any floor I want on stone or steel bridges!
A: You can’t do that with vanilla bridges either. This is how the game is coded and there is nothing we can do about it.

Q: New wood types? Bloat!
A: There is NO NEW WOOD TYPES in this mod. Instead, you can now use wood to make different colored wooden objects - same way you can do different colored carpets using Cloth!

Q: How do I unlock the new structures?
A: They are placed in the vanilla research tab.

Q: Can I add it to an ongoing save?
A: Yes you can. Please remember: You cannot remove a mod like this from an ongoing playthrough, as a terrain cannot be NULL, and this is exactly what will happen if you have a modded floor and then yeet the mod.

Q: What can I expect to see on the development blog on your patreon?
A: Patrons have been able to see the progress on this and many other mods for quite some time now, advising me every step of the way. I try to post several times a week, which is a perfect opportunity to get to know the development process.

Q: Can I suggest a feature?
A: Absolutely, leave a comment down below!

Q: Will you keep updating the mod with floors and stuff?
A: I like to keep my doors open if I ever want to, yes, but for now, everything I wanted to have in the game floor-wise and fence-wise I already put in this mod.

Q: Do I need Royalty?
A: No, simply the Royal carpets, fine metal tiles and fine wooden floors as well as Fine walls won’t appear in your game if you don’t.

Vanilla Expanded Framework download

Version 23.09.23 for RimWorld 1.3-1.4


Version 17.07.23 for RimWorld 1.3-1.4


Version 20.10.22 for RimWorld 1.3-1.4

  • Updated for RimWorld 1.4.
  • Removed all new colors of carpets.
  • Added new colors for our wooly carpets, reflecting the new colorDefs.
  • Added flipped single doors, so that people can create big double doors.


Version 19.04.22 for RimWorld 1.3


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