Mod «Biological Warfare» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Biological Warfare

Biological Warfare introduces two new machines, five buildings, over 30 new items, and three completely new production chains. It allows the player to turn sick colonists into weapons and a great advantage. Sickness will no longer be viewed as a negative event, but rather an opportunity to strengthen your colony.

Biological weapons have a large damage radius but a relatively long time to kill. Classical explosions have a small blast radius but kill everyone around it instantly in most cases. That's why I believe the arsenal added by this mod is balanced and fair when compared to the vanilla game.

Additionally pathogen gas can only apply infection twice to a pawns before disappearing. So it can be deadly against smaller groups of pawns and at the same time won’t completely wipe out giant tribal raids for example.

Main damage factors are fully customizable in mod options. You can disable most of the infection damage or make it more powerful if you feel like it.

Here's a list of built-in integrations with other mods:

  • Anomaly - adds necroa archovirus (that includes all weapons and antigens items related to it)
  • Biotech - patches perfect immunity gene to work with necroa and developing scaria infections
  • Vanilla Genetics Expanded - greater scaria is a samplable disease that yields regular scaria samples

Here's a list of less compatible mods:

  • Tweaks Galore - gas missile launchers can't be configured like the rest of powered buildings, but there are no other issues


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