Mod «Hemogen Extractor» for Rimworld (v1.5)

Hemogen Extractor

This mod adds Hemogen Extractor - building that allows you to extract hemogen packs from poor raiders and other lads!

Hemogen Extractor™ is unlocked via Deathrest research. Takes 300 steel, 6 regular and 1 advanced component to construct.


  • Produces 10 hemogen packs every 3 days
  • 75 units of fuel is enough for 9.4 days
  • As stated above, extractor can hold up to 75 units of food, however amount of added fuel doesn't scale with nutrition of used food - lavish meal and 1 unit of kibble will both add 1 unit of fuel
  • Anything from Food category can be used as fuel, even hemogen packs
  • When pawn is manually ejected they reсieve cryptosleep sickness and bloodloss
  • Since extractor doesn't require cryptosleep research, it uses much more primitive version of it, so If there is no food and/or power for 3 days, the pawn inside will be automaticly ejected to prevent death from starvation
  • If pawn was auto-ejected, they also gain malnutrition

Required: DLC Biotech

30.12.22 (1.4)

  • Bioreactor compatibility fix


19.12.22 (1.4)


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