Last update: 07.05.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 12.04.24
How does bombing work? What kind of shells can I use?
First, you must enter the tile to bomb and scout out the location before-hand. Fill a military capable shuttle with at least 1 shell up to the ship's maximum. Any left over shells will be unloaded from the assault vessel after the bombing run is completed. Check mod settings to determine what can be dropped in a bombing run.
This mod requires all of the following other mods:
Version 25.10.22 for Rimworld (v1.4)
Version 16.08.21 for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.3)
File info
Hongulamanda Şongulamanda Zanga Panga Pongulamanda
Yetiş kel oğlan sinek balkızı
boş yapma
Başkalarına hakaret ediyor, rahatsızlık sebebi.
en la version 1.5 lanza error