Mod «Alpha Mechs» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Alpha Mechs

- 7 new mechanoids: The Aura, Daggersnout, Goliath, Phalanx, Siegebreaker, Fireworm and Demolisher make their return. The 7 mechs will appear in raids, clusters, etc, and they can be disabled separately through mod options.

- With Biotech: If the player has Biotech, a HUGE amount of content will be unlocked
- 26 new mechanoids, including 11 utility mechs, 12 combat mechs and 3 challenging (but not absurdly so) “boss” mechs
- 3 new mechanoid chips
- 2 new armors, 2 new helmets, 3 new utility packs and a warcasket
- 11 new buildings
- 8 new research projects to unlock all the content

- With Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoid, plus Biotech: another huge chunk of content is added: 7 new mechanoids in two types. First of all, the “clean” versions of the Aura, Daggersnout, Goliath, Phalanx, Siegebreaker, Fireworm and Demolisher that appear in VFE - Mechs groups. Secondly, their advanced versions, which appear when mechs do a hardware upgrade. The player can also research a hardware upgrade to build these advanced mechanoids, as well as the Slurrymaster

- New mechs are added with: Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage, Vanilla Genetics Expanded, Vanilla Fishing Expanded, Vanilla Books Expanded, Alpha Bees, and Rimatomics


31.05.23 (1.4)


27.05.23 (1.4)

- Tweak: Daggersnouts are now cheaper to build, 5 Plasteel instead of 25 and 1 Component instead of 3
- Tweak; Buffed the Bellicor's Tactical Shotgun damage to 8 from 6
- Tweak: Buffed Bellicor's armor to 50%, 30% (S, B) from 40%, 20%
- Tweak: Culinarius now gets a 50% increase on cooking tasks, in addition to their 15 cooking skill, to differentiate them further from Fabricors
- Tweak: Pristine assembler's bandwidth reduced to 2 from 5, and time to manufacture things reduced to 1 day (was 4, a mistake). Description indicates the pool of things it'll produce
- Tweak: Pristine slurrypede's bandwidth reduced to 2 from 5
- Tweak: Slurrymaster's bandwidth reduced to 2 from 7
- Tweak: Sanguinarius' bandwidth reduced to 2 from 4
- Tweak: Pristine strider's caravan riding speed increased to 2, from 1.5
- Fix: Booster buildings should be non rotatable now
- Fix: Sagittarius can now be properly resurrected
- Fix: Mech warcasket should now properly be capable of gestating mechs. Maybe.


09.05.23 (1.4)


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Iam not a god

And finally what i was waiting for Released

 thx for modding this.