Skin «Victorian French Skins» for Ravenfield (Build 19)

Victorian French Skins

Yes, these guys have been work in progress roughly since the Prussian pack was released, but have no fear, they're finally done. As with my other Victorian packs, you get five skins, which I'll probably update sometime later, though that update is unbeknownst to me as I sporadically update and create stuff while having no actual schedule.


  • French Soldier - 1858 Capote
    • Generic French soldier with the 1858-styled infantry coat, works well for Franco-Prussian scenarios when combined with my Prussian skins.
  • French Garde Impériale
    • He represents a Grenadier à Pied of the Imperial Guard, under Napoleon III; the jacket model came out around 1860.
  • French Suisse Légion Étrangère
    • The short-lived Swiss variant of the Foreign Legion created in anticipation of the Crimean War, green jackets.
  • French Légion Étrangère
    • A French Legionnaire perfect for your Foreign Legion scenarios.
  • French Zouave
    • Zouaves look pretty similar, so not only can you use him for this, but also for American Civil War scenarios.

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