Skin «Swiss Guard [Sacco di Roma]» for Ravenfield (Build 17)

Swiss Guard [Sacco di Roma]

The Swiss Guard, or also known as Cohors Helvetica, are the Papal Honor Guards. It is a small military force, currently having 135 members.

On 6th May 1527, a force of 14000 German Landsknechte, 6000 Spaniards, aswell as an unkown ammount of Italians, have stormed Romes wall. Leaderless, the army brougth death, pain, and destruction upon rome. In order to secure Pope Clement VII's retread to the Castel Sant'Angelo, 147 of the 189 men stayed back.

Of the 147 men that stayed back, non survived. Pope Clement VII eventually reached the Castel Sant'Angelo safly.

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