Under Cover of Darkness for Project Zomboid (v41.x)

Under Cover of Darkness

Why should you be the only one to suffer from poor vision at night or in fog? This mod evens the playing field, allowing you to hide from zombies under the cover of darkness.

Under Cover of Darkness is a super lightweight mod which gives zombies poor vision when it is night time or when foggy. This enables the night and fog to serve as the perfect stealth environments, allowing you to perform covert operations like gathering supplies or evading a nearby horde.

Specifically, the mod sets the zombie sight setting to poor at night (from 2 hours after dusk to 2 hours before dawn) or when it is foggy, reverting back to normal at all other times. Note that any existing settings related to zombie sight will be overridden by this mod.


Does artificial light (e.g. flashlights and streetlamps) change the zombie sight setting?
No. This mod does not consider or change any existing behaviour related to artificial light.

Is this compatible with other mods?
Yes. This mod should work with all other mods.

Does this mod consider different seasons of the year having different day/night cycles?
Yes. Night hours (the time that zombie sight is set to poor) will dynamically change with seasons.

Can I edit how foggy it needs to be for zombies to get poor vision?
Yes. In the sandbox settings you can edit the minimum fog intensity for zombie vision to be set to poor.

Is this compatible with multiplayer?

What happens if I already play with zombie sight set to poor?
Unfortunately this mod will override your settings as there currently is no zombie sight setting worse than poor. Perhaps a solution will be found in future.

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