[WW2]Sino-Japanese WAR (1931-1945) for People Playground

[WW2]Sino-Japanese WAR (1931-1945)
I'm very excited that this will be the first anti-Japanese war mod in the workshop!

This mod has two main camps.

The Kuomintang and the Japanese Empire. The third non main camp is the CPC, which I incorporated into the Chinese Kuomintang.


The Chinese Kuomintang/CPC:

10 characters.

9 chest straps.

Three helmets.

Five hats.

1 backpack.

1 bugle call.


Imperial Japan


8 characters.

7 chest straps.

Four helmets.

Three hats.

1 backpack.



6 flags. (normal and damaged)


This mod is a bit more work than usual. If you like this mod, please leave a like. Thank you, bro.

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