Mod «War Chess» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.12)

War Chess

A HoI4 mod implementing a singleplayer / multiplayer chess in the game

How to use this mod
The War Chess decisions

All happen in the decision tab (Shift + Q if you don't know) under the wchess category.

Here, at the start of the game you will see two decisions :

  • Start a game of chess alone
  • Enter the chess pool

The first one is self-explanatory : it will start a game alone, where you play both side.
You can use it to play with your coop partner (Or alone, nobody will know don't worry (We are playing HoI4, so I guess that's not really a problem))
The second one will make you enter the chess pool.

The chess pool

When a player enter the chess pool, other players will see a decision to challenge the player added
You only have to click on that decision to challenge the other player. As the player challenged, he will either deny, or accept and choose his color.
The game then automaticly begin

  • Play alone both sides (With your coop buddy)
  • Join a pool and challenge other human player in your multiplayer game
Rules implemented
  • En passant pawn capture
  • Castling
  • Draws
    • Stalemate : No legal move but the king is not in check
    • Lack of material : Not enough material to do a checkmate
    • 50 moves rules : More than 50 moves without moving a pawn or taking a piece will end the game with an automatic draw
    • Agreement : The player playing can send a draw request to the opponent
  • Resign
Things to add
  • A timer based on the game date
  • Display the pieces / pawns captured
  • Display the avantage in material
  • An interface with the states of all players in the games (Number of victory, draw and defeats)
  • A spectator mode
  • A betting system

File info

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