Mod «THG Armory - 'Vanilla' Armor Pack» for Barotrauma

THG Armory - 'Vanilla' Armor Pack

As with weapons, i've been disappointed by the lack of variety of vanilla-tailored equipment, largely including armor, which has been made available on the mod market.

And so, I aim to rectify that.

THG Armory - 'Vanilla' Armor Pack adds a bunch of new diving-suit layered armor pieces. Some can work secondarily as diving suits and such, but their primary purpose is to provide extra utility or protection against threats while not in the ocean. Each piece of armor is therefore generally balanced to provide great protection in certain aspects, but every piece is vulnerable in at least one, as well.


Skid Lid
A cheap, widely available helmet, meant more to protect against blunt force trauma, concussions and the occasional odd bit of shrapnel moreso than direct gunfire. However, it is cheap, easy to craft, and provides exceptional protection against blunt force trauma as it's name implies.

"Rhino" Heavy Assault Helmet
A heavy-duty combat helmet, which includes an auto-toggle rebreather for use in hazardous conditions or underwater. It gives unparalleled protection against most threats, but is very expensive, slightly encumbering, and limits one's senses while worn.

Vintage Helmet
An extremely old Pickelhaube, from Terra itself. Belongs more in a museum than on your head, but wearing it will give you a bonus to a litany of command-based skills and a bit of defense nonetheless. Can only be found in ship wrecks.

"Rhino" Heavy Assault Suit
An extremely heavy suit of reinforced tactical combat armor. Though unpowered, it provides the wearer with enough raw mass and stability from it's construction to allow the firing of heavy weaponry without adequate skill, and it furthermore provides nigh-on unmatched protection against most all physical threats compared to most diving suits and body armor alike, though it is cumbersome, expensive, and rare to find to purchase. However, it provides NO protection against environmental hazards, such as fire and acid.

"Lynx" Exoskeleton Suit
A lightweight, minimally-powered exoskeleton fed off of simple battery cells, which provides the wearer with a notable increase to their speed, strength, and stability. It provides both the stability necessary to fire heavy weaponry without proper skill, as well as resistance against water current, though slightly less effectively than the dedicated Safety Harness. When not powered, it is slightly difficult, though far from impossible, to move the suit freely.
When equipped and powered, provides 1.2x movement bonus and 1.2x melee damage bonus. When non-powered, instead gives a .75x movement malus and a .9x melee damage malus.

Assault Shield
A lightweight, one-handed ballistic shield made of lightweight titanium alloy which allows the user to hold and operate a weapon in their free hand. It fails to provide as much coverage as a full riot shield, but it is a bit more versatile to use as a result.

A lightweight tactical backpack, designed to carry a bunch of critical supplies close at hands while minimizing encumberance. Even still, it is somewhat bulkier than a toolbelt and slows one down, especially in water as it is prone to getting bogged down. Regardless, it is capable of carrying up to eight small items, with a dedicated slot for carrying a single weapon of any size.

Riot Gear
A suit of lightweight ballistic armor supplemented with extra padding and impact-resistant materials, making for a highly manueverable and wide-coverage, yet relatively low cost full body protective suit. Also includes a number of tactical pouches to keep supplies close at hand, in case of emergencies, though it fails to protect as well as heavier suits against ballistic or environmental threats.

Demolitionist Suit
An explosive-resistant full-body suit of heavily padded ballistic armor, designed to absorb the brunt impact of shrapnel and raw explosive force, though it does less to protect against other threats as a result.

Demolitionist Helmet
A heavy, full-head ballistic helmet designed to keep your brains from getting scrambled by shrapnel or blunt force impact.

Hard Helmet
A relatively lightweight aluminium helmet with a specially designed harness system to minimalize the impact of blunt force trauma and workplace related injuries. Does absolutely nothing to stop a bullet, though.

Hauler Exosuit
An ultraheavy nuclear-powered hydraulic industrial suit, relatively more easily obtained than a diver's suit. It's still watertight up to pressures of 5000 meters, but it is very slow to swim around in- rather, it was designed to haul large quantities of heavy objects in hazardous conditions, on - relatively - dry land. While it doesn't strictly require 02, it will signal an alarm if 02 is not loaded, yet it lacks an autonomous toggle to prevent it from utilizing it's supply while not submersed.

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