Volcano mine system (TABS) for Teardown

Volcano mine system (TABS)

The M136 Volcano Vehicle-Launched Scatterable Mine System is an automated mine delivery system developed by the United States Army in the 1980s. The system uses prepackaged mine canisters which contain multiple anti-personnel (AP) and/or anti-tank (AT) mines which are dispersed over a wide area when ejected from the canister. The system, commonly referred to as Volcano, is also used by other armies around the world.


  • Watch tutorial video
  • You have to click LMB after you deploy all mines. It activates all mines after 7sec.
Key Binding
  • LMB = Fire mines
  • F = Change direction (Normal, Left, Right)
  • LMB = Activate mines (After deploying) (Don't need to ride a vehicle)

  • V = Fire mines (After interacting with switch)
  • LMB = Activate mines (After deploying)


[TABS] Vehicle Framework

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