Health config for Teardown

Health config

These settings can make the game harder or easier, and some visuals can be changed.

You will always walk at normal speed even when on low health, the rest can be configured.

Configurable options can be changed in the mod options:
- Enable godmode by default (default: disabled)
- Fade away godmode text (default: disabled)
- Toggle godmode key (default: G)

- Health bar always on screen (default: disabled)
- Screen blur on low health (default: enabled)
- Red screen on low health (default: enabled)
- Red screen on any damage (default: enabled)

- Health multiplier from 1% to 1000% (default: 100%)
- Healing speed from 0% to 625% (default: 100%)
- Timeout before healing from 0sec to 60sec (default: 0sec)

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