Mod «Storypack: The Nyblax and the Collector» for Stellaris (v2.6.0 - 2.6.2)

Storypack: The Nyblax and the Collector

Storypack! Digsites! Relics! Midgame Crisis!

  • 2 New Midgame Crisis;
  • Lots of custom new events;
  • 6 New original digsites;
  • 7 New relics;
  • Custom initializing empire to interact with;
  • Unique mechanics for relics;
  • Vanilla friendly;
  • Laws and Resolutions fo regulate the use of the relics.
The mod adds 6 digsites were you and your team can find the Power Runes. Runes created by ancient and long dead civilizations by command/request/favour to/of the Nyblax. A spacebourne creature that roamed the galaxy trying to find a mate. Unable to do so, with the help of a scientist, the Nyblax started creating the Power Runes, which would grant it its wish. With the help of different cultures, the 6 power runes were created but the Nyblax never got them. Nobody knows were the Nyblax is now. There is also another custom system which adds a planet state called the Vault. This planet is ruled by The Collectors. They are a materialist civilization that collects relics and artifacs. You can trade with them! During the game, at midgame, the mad collector will awaken. He wants the Runes! He belives that when civilizations perish, their inventions and creations become relics. In his greed, he will seek the power runes to kill every single sentient being but them. His idea is that once he wipes the galaxy clean, there will be tons of ruins to scavenge and artifacs to collect and sell to civilizations to come. You better either have and defend a power rune or hunt the collector down! once he gets all the runes you will lose! Once you have all the runes, you can forge the Nyblax Cube. Alternative midgame crisis: Space Rifts. Space-time is collapsing and being rip apart, space rifts will start appearing. This game crisis will create an interconnected network of wormholes accross the galaxy every certain amount of years. This will create lots of new interactions with non-neighbours, either allowing new peacefull ones (because of less distance) or agressive ones.

File info

  • Added by: TOP-Mods
  • Author: Complex
  • Mod version: 25.03.20
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 49.0 mb
  • Source: Go to
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