Mod «Electroids Species Pack» for Stellaris (v3.8.*)

Electroids Species Pack

This is the unofficial species pack called Electroids. Its one of the largest species-packs in the workshop. Electroids was made with/for WindowsOS. Mac/Linux should work too.

Electroids Species (Basics)
  • They live on a colony type called "Aurora-Habitat" in the orbit of stars or black holes.
  • Aurora-Habitats have different districts & modifiers dependent on the star type.
  • Pops cost energy, but no food or consumer goods.
  • Note: Some jobs still cost a bit food or consumer goods, for mod compatibility.
    (otherwise I have to overwrite many Vanilla files)
  • Can not survive on other planets, when playing with one of the Electroid origins. When using this species without an Electroid origin, they can live on normal worlds as well.


5 Origins

Discover new unique origins! Colonize the orbit of stars or black holes, use a nebula for your advantage, or try to escape a dying star. Bring an Electroid multispecies empire to glory and prosperity or... maybe play as extradimensional invaders?
Details: Electroid Origins (Steam-Link)

10 Civics

Civics form your government, and the way how you change the galaxy. Use new bonuses & mechanics for your advantage - like devouring the galaxy, improve your ships, unlock new mechanics & more.
Details: Electroid Civics (Steam-Link)

11 Traits

Electroids are as unique as their traits. Modify this special species with very different traits to combine bonuses and new mechanics of civics & origins.
Details: Electroid Traits (Steam-Link)

2 Perks
  • Centrifugal Horror
    Lets you build a new kind of colossus. For each killed enemy pop you receive 0.25 pop of your own species on your capital (rounded). Generates also some unity.
  • Burnout
    Turn your pops into powerful beings, but expect a dangerous risk...


New Fallen Empire

If lucky, you will encounter a new fallen empire variant called Realm of Nova. Leave them alone and they will not harm you. However, their systems have a valuable prize - but be ready to face their extraordinary strong fleets.

3 Shipsets

The mod adds the 3 ship designs of the "Unbidden" crisis in the colors blue, orange & green. They are taken from Vanilla, so megastructures do not have any specific design right now. In the empire creation you can see them called as Unbidden (blue), Vehement (green) & Aberrant (orange). (Preview of them in the mod screenshot gallery.)


I added some basic portraits to the mod. I want to add more later because creating them is for me harder than creating the rest of the mod (& I didnt want to add some static PNG portraits).

File info

  • Added by: Den Martin
  • Author: Exakan
  • Mod version: 11.07.23
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 12.0 mb
  • Source: Go to
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