Mod «[HRK] Gun Nut - FN SCAR» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.4)

[HRK] Gun Nut - FN SCAR


This mod adds 4 variants of the Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle (SCAR) and the FN MK 20 SSR made by the Belgian company Fabrique Nationale Herstal. The mod also icludes a charge battle rifle based on the SCAR-H.

Gun Nut is a mod series that focuses on giving the player the ultimate upgrades for real life and fictional weapons while trying to keep a vanilla feel in balance and artwork. This mod can be played in vanilla or with combat extended.

The FN SCAR is a sturdy and precise rifle constructed with modularity in mind . It comes on different configurations and calibers which make this rifle fitted to face any foe in any situation.

  • Suppressed weapons will give a small boost to hunting stealth.
Camo/Texture settings

There is two ways to choose camos for your guns:

  • With the settings menu you can change, per gun, the "base" weapon texture. The benefits of this is that it gives you more control but all the "base" weapons will be changed.

  • With ideology styles you can change the texture of all the weapons crafted by the faction. This option is good for RP but it lacks the control of the first option.

  • Both options can be used at the same time without problem.

  • A mod that allows you to select more than 3 styles like Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures can help with the second option.

- This mod is compatible with Combat Extended.

- This mod also disables Vanilla Weapons Expanded Battle Rifle, you'll be able to keep the ones you already have but you won't be able to craft or find more of them.

Q: Can the mod be added to existing saves?
A: Yes.

Q: Can the mod be removed from existing saves?
A: Is never a good practice to remove mods from ongoing saves. That said, this mod is quite simple and you should be able to fully remove it if you do it properly.

Q: Where do I craft these new weapons?
A: At the machining table or at the fabrication bench if they are tagged as spacer, charged or something of the sort.

Q: Why does the recipe for some of the weapons requires chemfuel/wood?
A: This may only be a CE thing but It is because most of this weapons have plastic, polymer or wooden parts and I like to reflect that in the crafting cost of the weapon.

Q: Are the weapons properly balanced? (Vanilla)
A: I try to balance my weapons as good as I can, however, if you see any number that sticks out too much please let me know in the comments or join my discord[] and I'll try to adjust it. Have in mind that weapons marked with the "commissioned" red tag are usually balanced by the commissioner and not by me which makes changing the values a little bit more tricky. You can also join my discord[] to access the vanilla balance sheets.

Q: Are the weapons properly balanced? (CE)
A: Same stuff as in the previous question but this time around weapons should feel much more balance in general thanks to the ballistic system from CE and the rules it follows to balance weapons. You can also join my discord[] to access the combat extended balance sheets.

Required: [HRK] Gun Nut - CORE

07.11.22 (1.3-1.4)


File info

  • Added by: Den Martin
  • Author: Harkon
  • Mod version: 11.11.22
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 7.0 mb
  • Source: Go to
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