Mod «Soviet Armory II LITE» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Soviet Armory II LITE

This mod is straight successor of Soviet Armory mod released back in 2018.

Soviet Armory RimWorld

  • Currently only this LITE version will be available until I finish preparing full size Soviet Armory 2. (Don't ask when, and don't expect it any soon)

  • This is a final product and no new stuff will be added in updates.

  • It supposed to be compact version of full mod for people who don't want tons of new weapons in their game but still want a bit of this communist bloc vibe for their colony.

  • Everything was integrated into vanilla research and can be crafted on vanilla workbenches.
  • All weapons have custom sounds.



Soviet Armory RimWorld


Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld

Soviet Armory RimWorld


Soviet Armory RimWorld

Mod «Graphics Settings+» Rimworld

Mod «Camera+»  Rimworld


Soviet Armory RimWorld

P.S.:  From Russia with love!


10.10.22 (1.4)


File info

  • Added by: Den Martin
  • Author: ALIEN
  • Mod version: 15.08.24
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 2.0 mb
  • Source: Go to
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