Mod «Vanilla Armour Expanded» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.5)

Vanilla Armour Expanded

We can all agree that in vanilla game, the peak of technological progress is a set of power armor. The way to get there? Through Flak pants, jackets and vests. After playing this game for so long, I became tired of using the same armor over and over again - no variety in content leads to no variety in gameplay. This is exactly the reason why me and Trunken decided to create an Armour Expansion!

Vanilla Armour Expanded is part of a series of mods expanding on everyday life on the Rimworld. When paired together with a brand new Vanilla Weapons Expanded and Vanilla Apparel Expanded, you can bring something to your game that will keep you interested in it for days.


Version 23.01.24 for RimWorld (1.2 - 1.4)


Version 19.11.23 for RimWorld (1.2 - 1.4)


Version 26.05.23 for RimWorld (1.2 - 1.4)

  • Quite an extensive update across a variety of VE mods, incorporating some of the patches by Shavius, with permission.


Version 23.03.23 for RimWorld (1.2 - 1.4)


Version 20.10.22 for RimWorld (1.2 - 1.4)

  • Support RimWorld 1.4.


Version 21.07.22 for RimWorld (1.3 - 1.4)



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