Mod «Music Expanded Framework» for Rimworld (v1.5)

Music Expanded Framework

This mod adds some extensions to how RimWorld's music works, with the goal of bringing theme support and making the game more immersive, as well as allowing music-modders to add their themes without needing to remove the vanilla theme to hear just their mod!

No Silence - Optional!

Vanilla RimWorld seems to operate on a timer, playing songs after a set amount of time. This mod gets rid of that, in favor of playing tracks as soon as there's silence. This means there's always an appropriate song playing. No more silence.
Update: This is now optional! Check the "Vanilla Music Update" if you'd like to keep this vanilla feature

Modders can now add "Themes", collections of tracks to Rimworld that users can choose between, This mod generates a "Vanilla" theme for the songs that are in the original soundtrack, as well as any added through SongDefs. You can see your available themes in the mod settings. This mod doesn't come with any aside from the Vanilla one, but check out Music Expanded Core for three themes this mod was made for!
Now Playing

Using labels, you can title tracks and see what's currently playing. This feature is toggleable in mod settings.
Custom Cues

IncidentDefs can now trigger music tracks to play! Making events have their own event songs increases your immersion! Through C#, you can also trigger songs to play whenever you want, based on cues. This will allow modders to set up multiple songs for a specific cue. Each theme can define its own cues.
Secret Cues

Individual themes can define special songs for named pawns! Starting a colony with a specifically named pawn could trigger a special song!
Battle Track Intensities

Themes can define tracks for "sizes" of events from four levels. "Legendary", "Large", "Medium", and "Small". As a battle goes on, it'll get smaller until the battle tracks end.
Biome-specific tracks

In addition to the default song logic, a new field is available to TrackDefs. allowedBiomes can allow specific tracks to only play in certain biomes!

Requires: Harmony

29.01.23 (1.3-1.4)


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