Mod «Archotech Expanded» for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.5)

Archotech Expanded

This mod expands on both the technology of the Archotechs, an advanced "race" of machine superintelligences.

Adds these new implants into the game:

  • Archotech Ears
  • Archotech Stomach
  • Archotech Liver
  • Archotech Kidneys
  • Archotech Lungs
  • Archotech Heart
  • Advanced Archotech Legs
  • Advanced Archotech Arms
  • Archotech Death Claw
  • Archotech Obliterator
  • Archotech Brain Melder
  • Archotech Spine

Also adds these three new materials into the game

  • Nanomachines
  • Picomachines
  • Attomachines
What do the bodyparts do?
  • The Advanced Archotech Legs are a highly advanced version of the already highly advanced archotech legs. They are 4 times more expensive than regular ones, but also give a much higher mobility boost compared to the normal archotech legs.

  • The Advanced Archotech Arms do the same thing as the advanced legs do, but for arms.

  • The Archotech Obliterator is an alternative to the death claw, where it deals fast consecutive blunt hits rather than 1 high powered claw attack. This is especially useful for capturing prisoners.

  • The Archotech Death Claw is a high powered Power claw, basically. For the Archotech. It's much more expensive than any other Archotech item as it serves as an archotech arm and a power claw simultaneosly.

  • The Archotech Brain Melder is a better pain stopper and joy giver. It increases conciousness, removes pain, gives joy and heals scars on the brain. It's incredibly useful for any situation.
What do the materials do?
  • Nanomachines: The nanomachines are the lowest tier of all the new materials, but are considerably stronger than the strongest material currently in the game. It will be used in future recipes along with the other two materials. It can currently be used as both a fabric and a material, being able to be used as clothing as well as walls or flooring. Even longswords or clubs can be made out of this material, and recieve a boost to their melee stats as such.

  • Picomachines: Picomachines are smaller than nanomachines, and thus in the lore of this game are better than nanomachines. They also can be used for all sorts of recipes, like flooring, walls, weapons or clothing. Picomachines will be used for intermediate archotech products.

  • Attomachines: These are the smallest material, and are the most expensive. It also can be used for everything. It will be used for all advanced products and most extremely late game items, when I add them.

27.12.21 (1.0-1.3)


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