Mod «Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.5)

Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations

Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations is a standalone release in the Vanilla Textures Expanded series, aiming at providing a LOT of visual variety to your vanilla bases.

So, what does it do? Basically, it provides building graphics variations for the majority of vanilla’s buildings. This means every time you build a chair, the chair will have a randomized graphics. Not only that, but you can also swap the graphic of the building on command, allowing you to mix and match styles to properly decorate your base.

Tired of all research tables looking the same? Not anymore.

The mod includes more than 150 new random building graphics for 35 vanilla buildings.

We plan to keep adding new textures in the future, so make sure to let us know what particular textures in vanilla game would benefit from this!

Through mod options (found in the VE Framework's mod options, as that where the code is at) you can tweak two things:

a) Random buildings start randomized: if toggled, the buildings will always spawn with their default graphic, and you can randomize or change later
b) Hide the buttons: if toggled, buildings won't have the random graphic or choose graphic buttons.

The mod requiresVanilla Expanded Framework.

21.10.22 (1.2-1.4)


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