Mod «[FSF] Advanced Bionics Expansion» for Rimworld (v1.1 - 1.5)

[FSF] Advanced Bionics Expansion

This mod includes my other mod Vanilla Bionics Expansion which fills in all the missing vanilla prosthetics, bionics and archotech so it's not required. This mod expands the scope past the normal vanilla bionics. It adds a new set of advanced bionics with 150% efficiency and a number of different implants that can be installed in various locations. To craft them you must research new ultra tech research projects (Tech Prints are required if you have Royalty). Advanced bionics generally cost double their normal counterparts.

The vanilla Archotech that was previously at 150% efficiency is now 200% efficiency. It is now truly beyond human comprehension as the tooltips suggest. It's extremely powerful but also extremely rare and expensive.

List of Vanilla Bionics/Implants

This mod includes everything from my mod Vanilla Bionics Expansion which fills in missing prosthetics/bionics/archotech such as Nose, Ear, Eye, Jaw, Arm, Spine, Heart, Lung, Kidney, Liver, Stomach and Leg. It adds a new tier Advanced Bionics as well as a number of more unusual parts for Advanced Bionics and Archotech.

List of Bionics

Elite Bionics Framework Additions

If Elite Bionics Framework is loaded alongside my own mod all bionics will have a HP bonus. This mod is not required it is simply an optional addition. Below is the logic of the HP bonuses.

Bionics +25% HP
Advanced Bionics +50% HP
Archotech Bionics +100% HP
Durable Bionics +25% HP on top of bionics tier (Total of +75% HP)
Fragile Bionics -25% HP on top of bionics tier (Total of +25% HP)

Version 24.07.24 for RimWorld (1.1-1.5)


Version 08.09.23 for RimWorld (1.1-1.4)


Version 26.03.23 for RimWorld


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