Mod «Vanilla Races Expanded - Custom Icons» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

Vanilla Races Expanded - Custom Icons

Vanilla Races Expanded is a brand new series of mods to enhance Biotech features, add to the storytelling and the world-building of RimWorld, and to introduce new, cool types of xenohumans, complete with their own unique genes, behaviors, mechanics and items.

This mod introduces hundreds of new icons that can be used to create custom xenotypes. From variations of the original xenotype icons, to numerous custom ones, players will now be able to pick a more fitting icon for any of their custom races created in the Xenotype creator.

Overtime, we might add more icons to this mod, however it already features a huge selection that should satisfy your every need. If you think some specific icon would improve your gameplay, do not hesitate to leave a comment with a request!

This mod might not be some grand new race, but it’s a tool for you to make your own xenotypes better!


13.01.23 (1.4)


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