Mod «Better Health Tab» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Better Health Tab
What does it do?

This mod is a complete replacement for the existing health tab. It was redesigned with usability, quality of life, performance, and custom fonts/scales in mind. Everything you see in the screenshots is done entirely by the mod itself. Dub's Mint Menus and Compact Hediffs were large inspirations for the UI design in this mod, but they are not needed to enable any of the features you see.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of features the mod contains:

  • Dynamic scaling
    Several UI components will automatically scale up/down to take up exactly the amount of space they need to display, whereas elements that were overly large in the vanilla UI would simply get cut off.
  • Hediff Sorting
    Hediffs are consistently, and automatically sorted following a series of in-depth rules, to make it easier for users to compare installed implants on pawns. In contrast, the vanilla UI simply displays them in the order the pawn acquires them.
  • Searching
    Users can use the search bar to narrow down results on their bionic monsters, rather than dig through a tall list of samey implants.
  • Performance
    Great care has been given to ensure the absolute minimum amount of processing required is done on each frame. As such, users can expect this mod to greatly outperform the vanilla health tab.
  • Progress bars
    Most hediffs which have a limited duration or tick down have been given progress bars so users can know at a glance how much longer a given hediff has left.



This mod completely replaces the vanilla health tab. As a result, it is not compatible (but also not incompatible) with mods that modify the vanilla health tab. Those mods will need integration patches to be written in order for their health tab functionality to show up in this mod. This does not mean Better Health Tab will throw errors, or otherwise break your save if you use it with an incompatible mod, it just means any health tab modifications other mods make will not be reflected with this mod installed. Please let me know if you run across any such mods in your expansive load orders.


Here is a list of mods for which integration patches have been written:


  • Can I add this mid save?
  • Can I remove this mid save?
  • Is this compatible with CE?

01.10.23 (1.4)


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