Mod «Rimocracy» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.4)


Rimocracy is a mod to add politics to Rimworld.

Rimocracy of management introduces the concept of quality of management (or simply management). This value, measured from 0% to 100%, affects several important aspects of the game :

  • - Management directly affects the global speed of work (which affects many other performance characteristics) and the ability to negotiate. A control level of 0% slows down your colonists and reduces their negotiation ability by 25%, while a control level of 100% increases these values ​​by the same percentage. It is always better to have a high level of management.
  • - Management also affects stat boosts that use the so-called "Focus" skill, which is selected semi-randomly based on your leader's skills. For example, the skill "Intelligent Focus" will improve the speed of research. The effect typically ranges from zero at zero control to 50% at maximum control. So if you have 100% control and the Intelligent Focus skill, your research speed will be increased by 125% (due to the global work speed bonus) x 150% (due to the Focus skill) = 187.5 %.
  • - However, Governance always tends to get worse, the faster the higher it is currently and the more citizens in your country. For example, if you only have three citizens and 50% control, it will decrease by 1.8% per day, but if you have 15 and 100% control, you will lose 10.9% every day.
  • - To improve management, your leader must do management work. This is done at a research station, basic or high tech, or at the control desk from the Colony Manager mod. By default, they increase Control by 1% every hour, but this is affected by their Intellectual and Social stats and other factors, most notably the size of the room. So better give them a good place to manage.
  • - When your leader changes (more on that below), your control is partially reset to a midpoint between its old value and 50%. So, if you had 70% control, your new leader will only inherit 60%.

Leaders and succession

  • As you probably understood from the text above, the player nations now have their own leader. Leaders who maintain good governance will earn the respect they deserve from their fellow citizens, while those who fail to do their job will be despised.
  • The term of office of the Leader can be limited (possible options are Quadrum, which is by default, Six months or One year) or indefinite, i.e. for life. When you first start playing, or when a leader expires or dies, a new leader is chosen. This is called succession.

In the settings, you can select several types of succession:

  • - Elections: The default type when the candidate with the most votes is selected (see below for details)
  • - Lot: leader is randomly selected from all eligible candidates
  • -Seniority: the oldest (by biological age) citizen is selected
  • - Nobility: the noblest pawn of the highest rank is selected; if more than one is available, the one with the oldest title is selected
  • - Military: choose the pawn that killed and knocked down the most enemies and caused the most damage (with a certain weight)


  • If your inheritance type is set to elections, all citizens (i.e. free colonists aged 16+) vote for their preferred candidate. Whoever gets the most votes wins. Voters consider their opinion of candidates, their shared background (they prefer to vote for candidates with similar backgrounds), and other factors. Colonists cannot vote for themselves.
  • If your country is relatively small, every voter is also a candidate. But if you have at least 8 citizens, the elections are preceded by campaigns.

Election campaigns

  • Three days before the election, the two most popular candidates are selected and the election campaign begins. During the election campaign, each candidate tries to persuade other citizens (except other candidates, of course) in his favor. Swing attempts are not shown as actual interactions between pawns; they can occur between any two pawns on the same card that are not defeated or in a mental state.
  • The chance of successful influence depends on the characteristics of the swinger's social influence. Lucky fluctuations increase a voter's political liking for a candidate, which greatly influences their vote (technically, 1 political sympathy score equals 25 opinion points). However, over time, this sympathy decreases. Only a maximum of 4 political sympathy points is allowed per voter.
  • Successful influence may also lead to the recruitment of the voter as the main supporter of the respective candidate. Core supporters can influence (and recruit) other voters, creating a snowball effect. The chance of recruitment depends on the level of voter support for the candidate and usually requires several successful attempts. The number of supporters for each candidate is listed on the Politics tab.
  • Candidates and their supporters tend to stick together and dislike their competitors. The loser and winner of the campaign also receive their respective mood modifiers.


  • Political decisions allow you to change many rules, such as the type of inheritance or the length of the term. Other decisions have more complex consequences. For example, egalitarianism makes government decline dependent on the average mood of your citizens (the higher the mood, the slower the decline). Most decisions involve management costs and specific requirements. Many decisions also affect the type of regime, which can range from 100% authoritarian to 100% democratic. As you move towards either authoritarianism or democracy, some solutions become out of reach and some open up to you.
  • Some game actions, such as taking, freeing or executing prisoners, expelling pawns, attacking or trading with other settlements, will also have their supporters and opponents, who will react accordingly. If the action is supported by your leader, it will usually increase the control of the colony. If the leader objects to the action, it will either cause it to go into Control (default) or the leader can simply veto it (if you've activated the appropriate decision).

Supported mods:

  • Colony Manager
  • Individuality
  • Primitive Workbenches
  • Rumor Has It (Continued)
  • Simple Slavery
  • Thrones plus
  • Vanilla Traits Expanded

Q: Nothing works, and on the "Policy" tab it says that I don't have enough citizens.

A: If you just launched the mod for the first time on this save, wait a few seconds for it to launch. Also note that not every colonist is considered a "citizen", only free (i.e. not imprisoned by other factions, nor by your prisoners, nor by slaves from Simple Slavery) and of legal age, i.e. 16+. Colonists in cryptosleep also temporarily renounce their civil rights.

Q: My control is falling. How to increase?

A: You need a research desk or management desk. It is advisable to put it in an impressive room. You also need the leader of your colony, and he must have controls enabled in the "Work" tab. I recommend enabling this type of work for everyone: only the leader can use it anyway, so there is no problem if other colonists also have it. If your leader is too busy with other things, you can manually order him to "prioritize management".

Q: How can I change the focus skill?

A: A: You can't just choose a focus skill; he is chosen semi-randomly according to the skill of the leader. You will have to wait until the next shift (like elections) or hold the leader accountable.

- Govern job no longer requires, or improves, Intellectual skill (just look at real-life politicians)
- Quality of the governing bench (research bench, throne etc.) affects governance speed
- Added a progress bar when governing (shown as % of target Governance)
- Politics tab now shows a draggable progress bar for current and target Governance
- Clicking on the leader (and candidates when campaign is on) in the Politics tab selects them
- Improved govern job logic and performance
- Leaders can only govern from thrones assigned to them
- Added explanations to govern job fails (e.g. no power)
- Simple Slavery support deprecated
- Fixed incorrect attitudes to execution of guilty prisoners and some other actions
- Various other fixes and performance improvements

21.10.22 (1.3-1.4)


File info

  • Added by: Den Martin
  • Author: Garwel
  • Mod version: 19.07.23
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 0.5 mb
  • Source: Go to
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