Mod «Work Manager» for Rimworld (v1.1 - 1.5)

Work Manager

Automatic work priority management mod.

This mod automatically assigns work priorities to your pawns X times per in-game day (governed by 'Update frequency' setting). Safe default is 24 (once per hour), but I recommmend setting 72 or higher to make it more responsive to in-game events.

Default work priorities are as follows.

1 - dedicated (or highest-skilled if dedicated is turned off in settings);
2 - work types with burning passion or average skill learning rate above major threshold;
3 - work types with interested passion or average skill learning rate above minor threshold;
4 - leftover work types.

There are several stages to automatic work assignment process:

  • Unassign all work types for dead, downed and mental pawns.
  • Assigning highest priority to 'Patient' and 'Bed rest' if 'Recovering pawns unfit to work' settings is enabled.
  • Assigning priorities according to 'Assign everyone' section in mod settings.
  • Assigning doctors if 'Special rules for doctors' setting is enabled. It sets highest priority for doctoring to pawns with the highest skill. If 'Assign multiple doctors' setting is enabled, then it tries to assign a doctor for every downed pawn according to mod settings.
  • Assigning hunters if 'Special rules for hunters' setting is enabled. It sets highest priority for hunting to pawns with the highest skill, excluding brawlers and pawns who has primary melee weapon equipped (unless 'Allow melee hunters' setting is enabled).
  • Assigning dedicated workers if 'Use dedicated workers' setting is enabled. This system tries to assign dedicated worker(s) for every suitable work type as evenly as possible, taking into consideration pawns' skill levels and skill learning rates.
  • Assigning workers by skill if 'Use dedicated workers' setting is disabled. It sets highest priority for every work type to pawns with the highest skill.
  • Assigning workers by passion or learning rate. It sets priority 2 for work types which a pawn has major passion for or average learning rate higher than major threshold set in mod settings, and priority 3 for those that have minor passion or learning rate higher than minor threshold.
  • Assigning leftover work types. If 'Assign all work types' setting is enabled it will set priority 4 to all work types unaffected by previous steps. Else, it sets priority 4 for work types which has no workers assigned, to pawns with fewest work types assigned.
  • Assigning work to idle pawns. It sets priority 4 for all unassigned work types to all idle pawns for 12 hours since the moment when pawn became idle.

Implemented Features

  • Quick way to toggle automatic work priority assignment via the Work tab.
  • Toggling automatic work priority assignment on per-pawn basis.
  • Toggling automatic work priority assignment on per-work-type basis.
  • Toggling automatic work priority assignment on per-pawn-work-type basis. It is done by middle mouse button click on work type priority box.
  • *New in* Automatic work schedule management. Once per in-game day Work Manager will split colonists between three 8-hour work shifts.
  • *New in* Schedule customization.
  • *New in* Work type black lists for foreigners (Royalty or some mods) and slaves (Ideology)


Compatible with 'Work Tab' by Fluffy and 'More Than Capable' by Charlotte. Must be loaded after them.

Should be compatible with everything else too. If you discover any incompatibilities, let me know in comments.

Required: Harmony

03.11.22 (1.1-1.4)


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