this MOD fixes a pandemic that has plagued many a world on the Rim: doors being wedged open. whether it's prisoners escaping, invaders rushing in, or temperature leaking out, unwanted open doors have led to disasters in many colonies. my MOD prevents items from being dropped on the same tile as a door, allowing it to close just as intended. after installing this MOD, please avoid placing stockpiles on the same tile as a door.
Q) Is the mod compatible with...?
A) I don't know, but it may have compatible to any simple drug Mods.
Q) I want to report a bug!
A) I need detailed information.
* What happened?
* When and under what circumstances did it happen?
* How can I replicate the issue?
* What's your RimWorld version?
* Post an error log! (If you have HugsLib -> Ctrl+F12 and paste the link in the comments!)
If your mod list is large, it may cause conflicts with this mod. If its bug caused by mod conflicts, I cannot help you.
Q) Your translation is terrible!
A) If you think my translation is terrible, you can send the correct translation to me. If you sent the correct translation, I replace it and old translation after checked.