Mod «Diseases Overhauled» for Rimworld (v1.2 - 1.3)

Diseases Overhauled

This is an unofficial update of PhileasFogg's mod

New drugs

Detoxamin, a drug that reduces toxic sensitivity by isolating and incorporating toxins. Take one every two days. (No known sideeffects.)

Methylanphenamid, which increases awareness and learning ability. One use lasts three days. (Strongest effect on third day; may have strong sideeffects.)

Tranquiazepin. Immediatly releaves all stress after ingestion. Take one per day. (Highly addictive.)

Mortracain, a relatively strong painkiller. Used to treat moderate to serious pain. Take every two days. (May be addictive.)

Tritoxylon, which drastically boosts the metabolic system and therefore heavily increases the immune response - among other body functions. Take one every two days. (May have severe sideeffects.)

Good old vegetable broth. Eating one per day helps shaking of some diseases.

Overhaul of existing and addition of new diseases

This section is by far the biggest part of this mod. I changed every single disease in the game. Not in their fundamental principles. But they all now have some randomness factor. This way it depends not only on your pawns ability to shake a disease off. It is more ... how to say this? ... natural. One pawn gets a heavy case of flu, the other only a light infection.

Diseases now also aren't only a case of "sh*t or bust". For example: even if your pawns survived an infection with the plague, they may have encapsulated pathogens in their femur, spine or pelvis, which, at a later time, will cause a new outbreak of the dormant disease.
Also diseases can now cause secondary diseases or long-term conditions. Some, like the plague, may cause a benign growth as secondary disease. Sleeping sickness, on the other hand, now has a chance to cause a long-term condition: a damage to essential brainparts which has no immidient effect, but inevitably leads to a case of coma in the foreseeable future. From that your pawn may awake - maybe twenty days later. Maybe six or fifteen years later. Maybe never.

How to get those diseases?

Many of them are "birthday events". This means (AFAIK), once in a year your pawn has a chance to get a disease. In the basegame this could be: alzheimer's, dementia, bad back, cataract, hearing loss, frail, carcinoma, asthma or heart artery blockage (correct me, if I'm wrong or forget some disease).
Now this can also be: toothache, acute appendicitis, inflammation, Epstein-Barr virus, Hepatitis K, Hansen-Kampff disease, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, psoriasis, blood cancer, peripheral pathway obstruction, multiple sclerosis, Campbells disease, Bardel syndrome, stomach ulcer, benign growth, necrosis, Chawbaeck's, osteoporosis, parkinson's, migraine or cerebral artery stenosis.
Additionally some disease are cause by others - for example, Epstein-Barr virus can and will cause blood cancer, extreme blood loss can cause PTSD.
Other disease are biome events, like the plague, flu, malaria, etc. New biome diseases are: common cold, lymphatic mechanites, brain worm, heart worm, lung worms, New Reschian fever, Tuberculosis and Voight-Bernstein disease. Have a look at there description above to see in which biomes they appear.

Additional basegame changes

Penoxycilin: is also effectiv in preventing infections with tuberculosis and Voight-Bernstein disease.
diseaseVictimFractionRange: all biome diseases now only infect between 10% and 30% of your population. In basegame this would be 20% to 50% of your pawns.
withdrawal: some drug withdrawals (GoJuice, Yayo, Flake, WakeUp) now may cause a stupor.
alcohol tolerance: now has a low chance to cause dementia.
life expectancy: as this game plays 3.000 years in the future, there should (at least in my imagination) have happend some increase in life expectancy. So I increased it from 80 to 95 years.

File info

  • Added by: Den Martin
  • Author: Kopp
  • Mod version: 16.11.21
  • File format: ZIP
  • File size: 1.0 mb
  • Source: Go to
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