Mod «Robotic Servitude» for Rimworld (v1.5)

Robotic Servitude

Are you tired of your captured pawns trying to escape or there was an “unforeseen” incident that has caused them to flatline? Well, they can still be of use even in death by turning them into a mechanized laborer. These advanced constructs, built from the remnants of the deceased, serve tirelessly, performing the menial tasks that once burdened your living colonists. Well no longer will you have to worry about morale, meals, or the messy business of escape attempts, once they have become mechanized.

-All laborers have a chance to have breaks that can only be fixed by the mechanitor that owns the laborer
-Can be disabled in the settings
-Combat & Assassin Laborers are able to change their weapons the same way that pawns are able to.

Requires: DLC Biotech & Harmony

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