Mod «Talking Isn't Everything» for Rimworld (v1.5)

Talking Isn't Everything

Why is mumbling to oneself about the relationship between love and piracy an essential component of the process of taming a muffalo? Does losing one's tongue really make it impossible to ever find love?

This mod aims to make the inability to talk less crippling. I set out to make genetically mute pawns (VRE LycanIntegrated Genes, etc) able to tame and train animals, because why shouldn't they? And then the scope got away from me a little.

Four toggleable options are provided to give mute pawns more options. A pawn is "mute" if they are incapable of Talking (Talking 0% in the Health tab), whether that's a genetic inability, a result of injury, or any other reason.

  • New and adjusted log entries :
    • When a non-mute pawn initiates Chit-Chat or Deep Talk with a mute pawn, the log will no longer imply that the mute pawn responded verbally. Eg. "X and Y chatted about space travel" might be replaced with "X monologued to Y about space travel".
    • Mute pawns playing with babies (Biotech only) won't generate log entries about singing to them or telling stories.
    • When mute pawns release an animal to the wild, they will not "say some warm words".
  • (Toggleable, default: on) Animal interactions :
    • Talking is no longer required to tame or train animals.
    • Corresponding log entries will not describe the pawn talking to themself or the animal.
  • (Toggleable, default: on) Romance :
    • Mute pawns are now capable of initiating romance and proposing marriage.
    • Corresponding log entries describe the use of touch, gestures, and body language instead of words to communicate their intentions.
    • Note that if casual interactions are disabled, mute pawns may still have difficulty building a strong enough relationship for romance.
    • Also note that if they are mute due to an injury to the head and face they may still count as disfigured, lowering other pawns' opinion of them.
  • (Toggleable, default: off) Slavery (Ideology only) :
    • Mute pawns can enslave and suppress others.
    • Corresponding log entries describe the use of physical intimidation and crude gesture to make their intent clear.
  • (Toggleable, default: off) Casual social interactions :
    • Mute pawns will maintain (or destroy) relationships with other nearby pawns using the same mechanics (chit chat, deep talk, slight, insult) as other pawns.
    • Corresponding log entries feature casual friendly touch, shared contemplative moments, obscene gestures, and more.
    • Opinion modifiers, etc, will still name these interactions "Chit-Chat", etc, because they use the vanilla interactions in order to maximise compatibility. Only the log entries have been overridden.
  • (Toggleable, default: off) Comms console :
    • Allows mute pawns to use the comms console, perhaps by employing some advanced technology such as a keyboard

Mute pawns remain incapable of:

  • Giving speeches
  • Recruiting prisoners
  • Converting anyone to their ideoligion
  • Using "Word of" psycasts
  • probably more

They also still have a very low Social Impact and Negotiation ability.

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