Mod «GiTS Cyberbrains» for Rimworld (v1.4 - 1.5)

GiTS Cyberbrains

This bionics mod adds 23 new cyberbrains from the world of Ghost in the Shell! These are advanced changes to the brain where micromachines graft microcircuitry to organic tissue, and creates a hybrid of the original brain tissue with cybernetic components. The end result is superior to the original in everyway- and will boost the user's mental capabilities greatly. Additionally, cyberbrains will allow the user to dampen felt pain and obtain specialized work or combat bonuses by accessing net databases. Some specialized cyberbrains are even able to establish a combat network, providing combat buffs for anyone in range.

As this mod mainly adds brain cyberware, I've made sure to add support and encourage the usage of another bionics mod such as EPOE-Forked with this one. I have tried to balance around these mods the best I can, and also added various patches to increase integration between this and others!

What's Inside

This mod adds a new research tree, a new resource with multiple applications, 8 cyberbrain abilities giving various buffs, two cyberbrain diseases and of course 23 new cyberbrains!

Cyberbrains primarily provide bonuses to consciousness, manipulation, research speed and learning speed for all. Many however will specialize into a variety of niches and provide bonuses/abilities for said niche, from cooking to brutal melee combat.

To make a cyberbrain, you will need to research the appropriate projects in the GiTS research tree first. After this, you will be able to produce micromachines at a fabrication table along with cyberbrains- which require micromachines to be produced. Once completed, all that is required is a surgery to install the cyberbrain. Such advanced neurotechnology requires at least a decent skillset, so make sure your colonists have passable medicine and crafting!

Cyberbrain Types
  • Basic Cyberbrain:
    • This is the most basic cyberization process which leaves a majority of the brain intact, therefore having almost no drawbacks. Once installed, the user will see minor bonuses to consciousness, manipulation, and learning speed. They will also be able to access the net, allowing the user to receive work speed bonuses for some time. After installation, users will only take about a day to adapt to the cyberbrain.
  • Enhanced Cyberbrain:
    • At this stage, only about 20% of the human brain is left. This is a general upgrade over a basic cyberbrain, and sees exponentially higher bonuses. At this point however, drawbacks begin to appear. Users will take about two days to adapt to cyberbrains now, and during this time have a slight (less than 1%) chance of contracting a cyberbrain disease. Additionally, the mind begins to display heightened emotions, leading to mental state drawbacks.
  • Specialized Cyberbrains (8 combat bonused, 11 work bonused):
    • This mod has 19 total of these cyberbrains, and are similar to the enhanced cyberbrain but with unique bonuses and abilities for certain niches in both work and combat. Most colonists will find this type of cyberbrain to be the ones they will aim for as risks and drawbacks are quite managable at this stage, and additional 'advanced' variants exist to push the strengths of some of these even further.
  • Extreme Cyberbrains (1 combat bonused, 1 work bonused):
    • This is about as far as cyberization can go, with this mod featuring two of these cyberbrains which replace up to 97.5% of the human brain. Cyberization at this level is a decision that should be weighed before doing so, and will be extremely beneficial to those that can take it- and harmful to those that cannot. The abilities and bonuses of these cyberbrains are unmatched by any other, but at great cost. Users will still only require two days to adapt, but with a slight increased risk of cyberbrain diseases.


Cyberbrain Diseases

As mentioned above, during the adaptation phase of cyberization a colonist may contract a cyberbrain disease. This mod features two, Cyberbrain Sclerosis and Closed Shell Syndrome.

  • Cyberbrain Sclerosis:
    • Cyberbrain sclerosis is an extremely rare cyberbrain disease where the afflicted's brain tissue begins to harden. This will result in memory loss overtime, talking inhibition and eventually after 30 days: brain death. There is no practical cure for this disease which means you may have to use mech serums, so be careful!
  • Closed Shell Syndrome:
    • Closed Shell Syndrome is a rare cyberbrain disease where a user will shut themselves off from others. This can be compared to trauma savant in Rimworld, with those afflicted becoming savants in computing and other niches that may prove useful. It is not fatal.


Micromachine Treatments

Micromachines are not just for cyberization and can be used to treat some conditions! Nanites can be administered to colonists to boost their immunity in order to combat diseases. Additionally, nanites can be programmed to combat a variety of ailments from food poisoning to organ decay!

This mod will self-patch when loaded after Combat Extended and will take advantage of stats added by it. Balancing changes have been made for all cyberbrains affected due to CE's increased damage, but feedback is always accepted on further balance changes in the comments.

  • Should be safe to add to save games and work with most if not all bionics mods.
  • Includes support for AUTOMATIC's Bionic Icons mod.
  • All cyberbrains will take advantage of Elite Bionics Framework if it is loaded, and have three levels of durability based on the cyberbrain type: thin metal shell, metal shell and advanced metal shell.
  • Contains patches to add workbench and/or research tree patches for EPOE-Forked, FSF Advanced Bionics Expansion, RBSE, RBSE Hardcore, Greyscythe Bionics Catalogue and Eccentric Tech Core.

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