Mod «Bombardment Raid» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Bombardment Raid

Adds a new, highly dangerous lategame raid type.

Bombardment Raids

A simultaneous bombardment and raid. Shells will be dropped at random anywhere on your map (including your base). Orbital laser death beams will also shot at a lower frequency. At the same time, raiders will drop down randomly and begin assaulting your base. There is an additional chance of a solar flare.

This is intended to be a major, possibly game-ending threat to highly-established bases. You're probably not escaping this unscathed even if you have a god-colony unless your base is burrowed entirely in a mountain.


This raid triggers very rarely on well-established bases (raid points > 5000).

You can manually trigger this by interacting with the comms console on a hostile faction.

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