Mod «Better VPE Skipdoor Pathing» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Better VPE Skipdoor Pathing

This mod allows pawns to 'use' Skipdoors from  Vanilla Psycasts Expanded while moving and doing stuff. They consider all tiles with skipdoors on them to be adjacent for pathing purposes. Only pawns with intellect of Humanlike or ToolUser can use skipdoors freely, but not during mental states or when wandering. Pawns with Animal intellect can use skipdoors only if they are following another pawn (being roped or pet following master).
Has settings that can change who is allowed to use skipdoors for pathing (everyone, friendlies, enemies).Note that on default settings enemies can use skipdoors same way your colonists can, so use with caution.
Also, for performance reasons if spot is un-reachable without skipdoor pawns won't path to it.

Difference from VPE Skipdoor Pathing mod:

VPE Skipdoor Pathing appends jobs to the pawn's queue to use skipdoors - which has benefit of skipdoor activation animation playing, but has issues when pawns try to do multi-stage jobs like refuelling or hunting, making pawns looping through skipdoors endlessly in some situations. This mod tweaks pathfinding a bit to consider all tiles with skipdoors to be adjacent, so no fancy animations (at least for now) but also no issues with complex jobs.

Requires: Vanilla Psycasts Expanded

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