Mod «Industrial Revolution (Continued)» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.4)

Industrial Revolution (Continued)

Brings Rimworld's technology into the charming time of the Industrial Revolution (1800s - 1920s) with themed apparel, objects, weapons, buildings, and research.

New themed objects and research which is by default unlocked unless you pick the new Drifters scenario, which allows you to start with no research without being a bunch of barbaric tribals. (Instead you can be a band of rapscallions!)

New weapons and security: Barbed wire, Arc-Rifle, and the Arc-Tower
New resource: Coal
New power generators: Portable Generator, Steam engine, and the Industrial Steam Engine
New buildings: Arc Lamp, Telegraph
New apparel, including Apparello by Shinzy.

Adds weapons and turrets from the 1800s.


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