Mod «Dynamic Diplomacy» for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.4)

Dynamic Diplomacy

This mod allows NPC faction to interact with each other without any player input. These events operate on independent timer and do not affect frequency of other events. It is also possible to enable/disable any event added by this mod to better fit player's preference.

Events added by this mod

- NPC faction can become hostile or neutral to another NPC faction. Once per 20 days in average.

  • Permanently hostile factions are also allowed to form 'peace' with other NPCs, which can be turned off at the mod settings.
  • Those who want reliable reinforcement should disable this event, as non-hostile factions will not break their peace for the player's sake.
  • NPC factions sharing same ideology will not declare war against each other if they have non-hostile relationship, except when forming alliance against predominant faction. Can be disabled on settings.

- NPC settlements can be captured or razed by another hostile NPC faction. Conquest target is determined randomly by default. Once per 15 days in average, with razing disabled by default.

  • Can also enable distance-based conquest at the mod settings to allow for more logical conquest pattern, but this will cause significant lag when the event triggers.
  • Optional setting to make conquest result be determined by actual battle between NPCs. Enabling this option will create new map with two opposing NPC fighters. Can be observed by clicking on upper bar.
  • Default option does not cause any lag.

- NPC faction can choose to construct new settlement in nearby empty tile. Vanilla starting site selection algorithm is used, meaning this event takes biome into account. Once per 40 days in average. Disabled by default.

- NPC factions can adopt ideology from non-hostile factions that share at least one meme of impact 2+ from their original belief, or can also create completely new ideology which still respects the limitation set by the faction's creator. Enabled by default.

- NPC factions can force inferior settlements to surrender and adopt their ideology. Disabled by default.

Events exclusive to distance-based conquest

Distance-based conquest algorithm heavily favours factions with greater settlement count, so these two exclusive events help to prevent dominant faction from conquering the entire world.

- NPC factions form worldwide alliance in response to a faction with more than 10 settlements that controls 40~60% of the planet. 80% chance for each faction to join alliance, and has cool down of 10 conquest events.

- NPC faction with 0 settlement can rebel against one of dominant factions, having 40% chance to overthrow each of oppressor's settlement.

New Scenario Setting

- Enable 'History Generation' as permanent game condition on scenario setting to start the game on world where major wars have already happened, instead of default one where every faction have even distribution. Length adjustable at mod settings. Since the event causes significant lag, it is recommended to wait for this to finish on 'World' screen before playing.

Important Facts (Check here before questions!)
  • This mod is event-based; it can be safely added or removed from existing save files as long as there is no ongoing history generation. Removing the mod will trigger short error but it is harmless.
  • Only way to adjust event frequency is to do it manually: open Steam/steamapps/common/workshop/content/294100/1875168898/Patches/Storytellers_Patch.xml with any text editor, and edit either onDays and/or numIncidentsRange value. Number randomly chosen between numIncidentsRange value trigger within onDays . So if the former is 2~3 and the latter is 60, that means 2 or 3 of that event will trigger in 1 year (60 days).
  • Assume this mod is compatible with ALL other mods unless listed below:
    • Relations Tab: reported to make diplomacy change event from this mod non-functional.
    • Rim War: compatible but, as its mod description says, "many similar features, unnecessary to run both mods". My mod just tries to do NPC relationships as background thing with restricted gameplay impact, while RimWar makes them major gameplay component. Recommended to choose whichever you prefer.
    • Faction Resources: new rebel factions created by Dynamic Diplomacy optional event does not have resources, need to disable/enable Faction Resources again to give rebel factions resources.
    • Non-vanilla storytellers will not trigger my events if they do not use vanilla BaseStoryteller settings as parent. To check for compatibility, go to storyteller.xml and see if custom storyteller has BaseStoryteller as ParentName.
    • Report any other incompatibilities if discovered.
  • populance -> populace typo fix

05.08.23 (1.0-1.4)


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