Mod «MH: Military Tiers» for Rimworld (v1.4)

MH: Military Tiers

Android Tiers M-Series is a related mod to Android Tiers Reforged to bring a new set of mechanical pawns into the colony for defense and survivability needs.

They're cheaper, sturdier, and more dangerous, but generally lack the work capabilities and utility of their android kin.

  • English (Primary)
  • Russian (Community)
  • Introduction of the M-Series line of mechanical warrior units to RimWorld, using Mechanical Humanlike's framework.
  • The M1 Warrior Unit, a cheap and small box-like drone built for war and exceedingly difficult to take down.
  • The M2 Bishop Unit, a slender, towering drone with 6 limbs that simultaneously act as legs and arms.
  • The M3 Paladin Unit, a massive soldier with 4 limbs that act as both legs and arms (leg-arms, as I call them) and 2 arms, that takes significantly less damage the more damage it has taken.
  • The M4 Jellyman, an enigmatic mechanite blob with sapient intelligence and very odd properties, which can only be acquired by strange means.
  • The M5 Titan, a massive Ultratech war machine with drone intelligence that is a fine display of human engineering but is severely lacking in ingenuity.
  • All M-Series units can not wear apparel, and have high stats and an exceedingly resilient body layout. Killing an M-Series unit (ignoring RimWorld's "health threshold death" and random-raider death-on-downed chance) outright is nearly impossible, as they'll go down long before death.


  • Mechanical Humanlikes Core
  • MH: Android Tiers Core

28.10.23 (1.4)

  • Minor changes, MH: Drones Reprogrammed compatibility


28.05.23 (1.4)


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