Mod «Beast Man Tribes» for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.4)

Beast Man Tribes

No one knows if it was ancient pirates who crash landed and grew animal heads, or if it was the animals there that evolved human bodies. When the first colonists arrived at the newly terraformed jungles, they were dumbfounded at the sight of humans with the heads of animals walking out of the trees to greet them.

Beast Man Tribes adds 10 new playable races and tribal factions. It adds many more unique tribes to fight and trade with. Each new animal tribe starts out with a neutral relationship to the player colony. Its up to the player to create a relationship with each beast man tribe to take advantage of their special characteristics. Player tribes have a small chance of starting the game with a beast man.

Bear Men:
+ 10% Min Temp, + 10% Natural Armor
Camel Men:
+ 20% Max Temp, + 2% Move Speed
Elephant Men:
+ %10 Health, + 60 Years Avg Lifespan
Elk Men:
+ 10% Min Temp, + 2% Move Speed
Fox Men:
+ 10% Research, + 10% Max Temp
Gazelle Men:
+ 2% Movement Speed, + 10% Max Temp
Lynx Men:
+10% Min Temp, +10% Research
Pig Men:
+ 10% Mining Speed, + 10% Harvest Yield
Raccoon Men:
+10% Research, +10% Harvest Yield
Wolf Men:
+10% Min Temp, +10% Social Impact

Each beast man race tends to come with certain traits. For example, lynx men and fox men tend to be psychopaths who stay up all night, raccoon men and pig men are sometimes greedy or jealous, elk men can be good fighters who like to brawl against other men, elephant men often have annoying voices etc.

Beast Man Tribes works with surgery mods such as EPOE and RBSE.


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