Mod «RimHammer 40k - Contemptor Dreadnoughts» for Rimworld (v1.4)

RimHammer 40k - Contemptor Dreadnoughts

The Contemptor Dreadnought is a massive warmachine piloted by a fallen battle brother of the Adeptus Astartes. Ancient, rare and immensely powerful, the contemptor is a remnant of bygone glory. To those who dare call themselves enemies of Mankind, the contemptor is doom 10,000 years in the making.

Contemptor Dreadnoughts are powerful warcaskets that come with equally powerful weapons. Being ancient, lost technology, expect to spend quite some time tracking down the pieces necessary to unleash them on your foes.

Contemptor Dreadnoughts and their close combat weapons can currently be styled in any of the 9 loyalist legions. Contemptors will have a style matching the ideoligeon of the pawn entombed.

CE is not compatible


  • Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates

26.03.23 (1.4)


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