Mod «[CP] Rimmu-Nation - Gloves N' Boots» for Rimworld (v1.0 - 1.4)

[CP] Rimmu-Nation - Gloves N' Boots

How do you run 10 miles everyday without our selection of footwear?

Hold your firearm with a set of tacticool gloves, Rimmu-Nation has NEW STOCKS of handwear and footwear!



  • Mod adds 15 new gloves, 15 new footwear and 1 tactical sock.
  • Footwear and gloves have 3 different tiers that affect their protection rating and stat offset ratings.
  • All equipment in this mod is craftable within the RN Mini Tailor bench.
  • Only socks, generic trainers and combat boots are coded to spawn with vanilla NPCs. They are not coded to have any of the brand items or gloves.
  • This mod is compatible with any faction mod provided they use the "IndustrialAdvanced" tag for clothing.
  • Red Horse Faction pawns will spawn with gear in this mod and are coded to have different tastes in uniform, when enabled together.
  • Rimmu-Nation Clothing allows items from this mod to become purchasable from Rimmu-Nation Orbital Traders if both mods are enabled.
  • Mod is game-save compatible, however please remember to enable the new apparels in your stockpiles and uniform settings.
  • Air Jordans are stupid expensive for no reason, just like real life.
  • Gloves and boots provide temperature protection, minor armor protection and bonus speed offsets for the wearer. Footwear may provide movement speed and gloves improved workspeed or aiming time.

20.10.20 (1.0-1.2)


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