Last update: 30.05.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 27.04.24
This mod adds Escape From Tarkov(EFT) apparel to Rimworld.
Notice: As of right now backpack will be disable as it not working as designed. Overhead is overlapping the backpack.
-Adds 13 Headwear
-Adds 45 Headgear
-Adds 26 Chestrigs
-Adds 20 Armorvest
-Adds 18 Backpack
23.10.22 (1.2-1.4)
File info
The things in this mod are obtained from a commercial ship called ´´Fence The Dealer´´, nothing is manufactured, nor is it researched; This information appears on the same official page of the mod on Steam.
Someone put this information in the description of the mod please.