Mod «虫娘 Insect Girls» for Rimworld (v1.1 - 1.4)

虫娘 Insect Girls
This mod added:
  • 6 Insect Girls(15% in the wild, or join like pets. If one is dead, the same one will not appear in the wild again, you need to resurrect her.)
  • 8 Meals
  • 2 Buildings
  • 1 Stuff
  • 1 Scenario

This mod can add it midsave.
RocketMan Time dilation compatibility.
CE compatibility.


*Cleaning work requires "obedience 3".

They can range attack, if you're having Range Animal Framework or Vanilla Expanded Framework.

*You can manually select the target to attack, but VEF only.

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I didn't realize I needed this mod until now
