Last update: 31.05.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 19.04.24
This mod adds the Mending Table and recycling recipes to the tailoring benches to the game so you can repair or recycle your items.
You need to research Mending in order to build the Mending Table. You fuel it with mending kits, crafted in the tailoring bench.
You need to research Complex Clothing in order to be able to recycle, it doesn't require power to work but it'll double your production if you do power it.
This mod is compatible with new or old save games. Remove any Mending Table and Mending Kits from your colony before disabling this mod.
Z Levels mod will cause this mod to malfunction and eat your items because their invasive patch to Bills.
Version 15.01.23 for Rimworld (v1.1-1.4)
Version 30.10.22 for Rimworld (v1.1-1.3)
File info
Versión 1.5 :C