Mod «Air Generator» for Rimworld (v1.4)

Air Generator

Ever wanted to generate power from the air itself without worrying about chopping down half the forest for a wind turbine? Ever thought it'd be great to have a little box generate enough power to keep a standard residential home running? Well now you can! With our patented carbon wigglewatt technology you can produce clean and practically unlimited energy!

This mod adds a single building, a 1x1 air generator, producing up to 1000W in ideal conditions. The details are fairly simple, it has two separate factors it accounts for, the rainfall value of the world map tile the building is on (which you can see in the info for the tile on the world map), and the current ambient temperature of the map.

Ideally you want over 1800 rainfall and between 12-32C temperature for maximum output. Dry biomes (what's considered "dry" is controllable in the settings) significantly weaken the viability of the generator since there's not much moisture around most of the time regardless of the yearly rainfall.

The graphs below show the curves for the two factors. They're both just multiplied onto the output of the building, so if one reaches 0% then the value of the other won't matter.

You do also have to clear the 3x3 area surrounding the building for it to function best, just like the wind turbine, using essentially the same code so if something doesn't block wind it's not going to block this.

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