Mod «Nexomon» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.4)


This mod adds in animals called Nexomon from the Nexomon games. A monster catching genre like pokemon.
Currently has 11 Nexomon, possibly more in the future.

Nexomon come with custom leather/wool types and custom sounds.

This mod also adds 2 new bills at the Art bench:
-Make Nexomon sculpture
-Make legendary Nexomon sculpture

This mod adds 1 new quest: Crashed nexomon ship. (crashed ship containing loot & injured nexomon to heal & recruit. (prepare first, it will be heavy guarded)

-Uses Harmony (dependancy)
-Uses Animal gear (dependancy) can be safely played without if you don't want animal armour in the game.
-Compatible with Animal Genetics
-Compatible with Giddy up (recommended)
-Compatible with Alpha Biomes
-Compatible with Cyber fauna

Probably Combat Extended, never used it, never tested it. feel free to make a patch..

10.02.23 (1.3-1.4)


27.11.22 (1.3-1.4)


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