Mod «The Joris Experience» for Rimworld (v1.3 - 1.5)

The Joris Experience

The Joris Experience adds 42 new animals to the game, inspired by Joris Bonson, the unofficial channel mascot polar bear of Mr. Sam Streamer (the artist previously known as Roll1D2Games), the world renowned Youtuber (look it up, he has more than 100K subscribers, that's Youtube nobility. It's fact).

But The Joris Experience isn't only a joke mod. Using the Animal Behaviour code inside the Vanilla Expanded Framework, almost each of the animals in this mod has a special ability, providing countless strategic opportunities for your colony. From ranged attacking Jorises, to undead vampiric ones, it's up to you to discover how to best use them in your playthroughs.

Mod compatibility: Compatible with A Dog Said, Genetic Rim and Alpha Biomes


  • Harmony
  • Vanilla Expanded Framework



Version 14.10.22 for Rimworld (v1.2 - 1.4)

  • v2.01 (14.10.22) - Fix: animal spawn toggles should be working now.


Version v1.103 (19.03.22) for Rimworld (v1.2 - 1.3)

  • Added two new Joris, Joompa Boompa and Choco Mincho Mint Choco Choky Joris.
  • Adjusted the Genetic Rim patch for the incoming Vanilla Genetics Expanded.



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