Mod «Dreyse Needle Gun» for Ravenfield (Build 19)

Dreyse Needle Gun

The Dreyse Needle Gun, a rather remarkable weapon for its time, breech-loading rather than muzzle-loading, making it much faster to shoot, although it was not particularly easy to fire as many shots as a musket due to the bore getting rather filthy. This is a game, so that's not an issue lol.

These were Prussian weapons, issued all the way back in the '40s and made their way through most of the 19th century, and by '40s, I mean 1840s.

  • Includes one weapon, the Zündnadelgewehr. It's found in the Marksman, Black Powder, and Victorian tabs
  • Disclaimer: Please do not use the Zündnadelgewehr as a marksman instrument, instead use it to zünd nadels from a gewehr
  • 110 damage
  • Damage dropoff range ends at 85 meters, losing 50% of its power
  • High knockback
  • 69 cartridges in reserve
  • 4 second reload

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