Mod «RavenDivers - Automaton Dropoff (for Bots)» for Ravenfield (Build 29)

RavenDivers - Automaton Dropoff (for Bots)

Hi there! Here is another mod that will be added to the Ravendivers project: the Automaton Dropoff! It's usable by the bots too!


Ability To Read
Important facts before use:

The bots will spawn until they reach a team capacity of 50 bots. (For example: if you set the bot count to 80, the bots will be divided into RED 40 and BLUE 40. If the enemy team spawns the dropship, it fills those bots up to 50 but no more. If you set the bot count to 100, which means RED 50 and BLUE 50, it spawns only the bots which need a respawn at that second or no bots at all.) Overall, this is made to prevent FPS drops and such. On bigger maps, the bots use the mod less because it is assigned as a smoke grenade, so a tip is to deselect all smoke grenades you have in your arsenal.

Of course, you can also use this mod for yourself. Just know that the bots you spawn will be enemy bots and not friendlies.

Where to Find:

Due to the AI pathing, I did not label it in the Ravendivers section. It can be found under: Game-WeaponSelection-Grenades-AutomatonDropoffBots.

How to Use:

1.Before starting the game, deselect all smoke grenades from your loadout.

2.Follow the "Where to Find" instructions to locate the mod.

3.Be patient because it can take a while on medium to large maps for the bots to use the mod.

4.Enjoy the mod!



  • 12 Spawns Onboard: The bots will fall out of the dropship like in Helldivers.
  • Extra HP: Bots have a bit of extra HP for the fall damage.

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